The most up to date screening & festival information will be posted here!
Category:Woman has been successfully screened previously at the following festivals
April 29, 2024
AIPS Sport Media Awards
Global Sports Journalism
Santa Susanna, Spain
This is going to be the sixth edition of the AIPS Sport Media Awards, the most prestigious sports journalism prize. For this edition they have received 1887 submissions from 140 countries. CATEGORY:WOMAN has made it to the final voting stage as the top 3 in the world. And they winner announcement will take place in Spain on April 29
FEB 9, 2024
South African Sports Confederation and Olympic Committee - GENDER ADVANCEMENT CONFERENCE
South Africa
The South African Olympic Committee has invited Filmmaker, Phyllis Ellis to present CATEGORY:WOMAN to their Gender Advancement Conference and will be particpating in a Q&A alongside Dr. Payoshni Mitra and Caster Semenya.
DEC 8, 2023
Palais de l'Europe
Strasbourg, France
The Amicale Film Club of the Council of Europe has invited Filmmaker, Phyllis Ellis to present CATEGORY:WOMAN at the Palais de L’Europe to lead a discussion moderated by Francine H. Raveney, the EPAS Deputy Executive Secretary (Enlarged Partial Agreement on Sport) with Evgenia Giakoumopoulou, Head of the Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI) at the Directorate General of Democracy and Human Dignity.
DEC 5 - 6, 2023
United Nations
Geneva, Switzerland
Filmmaker, Phyllis Ellis will be attending Sporting Chance Forum 2023 which brings all actors in the sport ecosystem together at the Palais des Nations in Geneva to discuss the future of sport and human rights. Phyllis will be co presenting screenings of CATEGORY:WOMAN with Human Rights Watch in support of Humans of Sport.
SEPT 20 - 22, 2023
University of Oviedo
Gijon, Spain
Phyllis Ellis has been invited to European sport Congress 2023 which is an international conference focused on the European perspective of sport, the design and implementation of innovative projects, and the internationalisation of sport-related institutions.
The EUSC is an annual itinerant event, facilitating the access of a variety of stakeholders and generating an impact over different European regions over the years.
Phyllis will be in attendance and doing a talk to discuss the importance of her film CATEGORY:WOMAN and its impact in the sport world.